Cascades along Cordorcan Burn, Wood of CreeWet ravine, Wood of CreeSessile oaks and rock face, Wood of CreePulhowan Burn waterfall, Wood of CreeMeadow flowers, Wood of CreeWaterfalls at Cordorcan Burn, Wood of CreePeacock butterfly in water meadow, Wood of CreeMoss formations on trees, Wood of CreeCordorcan Burn waterfalls, Wood of CreeBilberry ground flora and sessile oaks, Wood of CreeDor beetle recycling leaf litter, Wood of CreeCordorcan Burn, low water reveals smoothed channels, Wood of CreeRavine wall, Wood of CreeCommon cow-wheat (Melampyrum pratense), a semi-parasitic annual and indicator of ancient woodland, Wood of CreeOak woodland, Wood of CreeFallen trees along the Cordorcan Burn, Wood of CreeHoverfly on scabious, Wood of CreeFungi spiral, Wood of CreeCascades and fallen trees along the narrow gorge, Cordorcan Burn, Wood of Cree Wood of Cree Please click picture for full light-box images and navigate using the arrows or dots. Prints of photographs available in shop or please contact. © Catherine Coulson 2018